About me

Part-time thinker
Random tinkerer
Non-professional writer
Non-native English speaker
Occasional explorer

Read and think at your own risk.

You were made not to be living like brutes, but to pursue virtue and knowledge

Dante Alighieri - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto XXVI
ai generated, owl, bird-8129872.jpg

The story of


Of Italian descent, I always loved to read and, at times, think. 

Currently working and living in China, I find myself attracted by the prospects of A.I., but at the same time scared by the implications that it might carry.
Nobody wants to wake up with the toaster staring at them, or being stepped on by the oven or, even worse, bit by the hair dryer.
Understanding that I have not the power nor the knowledge to support in guiding A.I. into becoming an ethical being, I decided to try and support those who actually do the heavy lifting (Developers, Professionals, Consumers) by reminding them of the power a language has, if used properly.

Of course, such quest into etymology and the roots of words is helpful to me as well, since I am not a native English speaker. 

I just hope my English teacher will not intervene to correct my improper use of grammar.




How does this work?

The 5 Whys


I will be posting one word in different categories to slowly build up enough words to publish a book per category


One new word every day, in hopes that the future will look a bit brighter


Me, for you.
Simple as that.


For knowledge, for education, for influence on A.I. development.

The more properly you think, the more properly you express yourself, the more successful your interactions will be.


Initially only on this website.
Slowly i will try to expand to social media.

Best selling books - stay tuned

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